Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Catching Up

I haven't posted in a while. I supposed it's like donating blood, the cancer doesn't impact me on a daily basis, so my need to post is not as great. It might also be that I have integrated my experience more. I realize going to doctors on a regular basis is just part of my life. But it's still an important one and in writing this, I feel like I'm connecting with friends. It makes me feel good.

I have applied to participate in the patient panel at the cancer center. It's a volunteer panel that reviews and recommends processes to the center. My article on using the internet was published in Coping this month and I had another article accepted for publication in June. A friend is starting a non-profit to provide colon screening for people who can't afford it and I will be on the board. I'm also supporting the American Cancer Society again this year in lobbying for increased health coverage at the state level. I did not finish the Reclaiming class offered for cancer survivors. I found that there wasn't the time to go indepth on issues in a way I could really work on them.

My health is fine. Had my routine pap smear and yearly physical and all is normal.

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